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Simple Guidance for you on presenting Sex toys During Sex With your Partner

By: Admin

September 5, 2017

The development of a sex toy into your love life in no way means you will discover something wrong with it. In fact if anything, it is quite the other; using love-making toys with your spouse can mean that you are both comfortable sharing different types of pleasure together.

Household Things That You Can Use for Kinky Sex

By: Admin

July 18, 2017

We get it; while there are more options for premium BDSM toys than you can shake a riding crop at, sometimes it can be more fun to use whatever you have lying around your house. Not only does using these 'pervertables' add a bit of spontaneity the likes of which having to unlock your 'tickle trunk' will never have it can also add to the authenticity of the scene you're trying to set. Below, we offer our top tips (and cautionary advice) about using common household objects to make an impromptu sex dungeon!

Dear LELO: Is Sex In Water Safe?

By: Admin

July 6, 2017

Wetter Ain’t Always Better But may vary on, we don't always say ‘the wetter the better’? Well the ‘wetter’ that you want during sex is polished and difficult to catch, not sure thing like water at all. The vagina is self-lubricating and should you need extra help from water- or silicone-based lube for anal or just for the feels, these are both approaching within realm of possibility to be washed away in the ocean or swimming pool. Not only will it make things a lot less comfortable for both partners, the soul on the receiving end of any penetration is likely to also be receiving several real micro-tearing in their sensitive bits, which can lead to infection – including higher chances of contracting an STI.

Hot & Bothered: Men's Unconscious Turn-Ons

By: Admin

July 7, 2017

You might visualize that a low-cut outstrip matched by all of a breathy style and outclass of the lips is all one want to burn up the road a candy dealer facing the stratosphere of arousal (and you’d constantly be right), anyhow men can be somewhat as difficult to understand as women in matters of sensual.

The New STI You Haven’t Heard About Yet

Katy Thorn

June 20, 2017

While calling it the ‘new’ STI may be slightly incorrect (it was first discovered in 1980) Mycoplasma genitalium was only properly studied and tied to sexual activity in the mid-90s, when it was realized that the infection was more common among those who had had 4 or more new sexual partners in the last year, and no infections were found among those who had never had sex.

Going with the Flow: How to Have Worry-Free Period Sex

Colleen Godin

June 15, 2017

Period sex is a bit like running an Olympic obstacle course. Before you and your partner reach the finish line, you’ve got to dodge white bed sheets, attempt to keep all activity contained to a bath towel, and then tippy-toe across the carpet with both hands between your legs. Even if you’re off the Richter scale of horniness, all the sheet-staining possibilities can be a buzz-kill. Like any sport, period sex requires some preparation and practice. Once you master the art, you might even find reasons to look forward to the fun challenges a period can throw into the sex mix.

15 Condom Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Katy Thorn

June 13, 2017

Too large, and you’re likely to see slipping and leakage. Many men who find the standard size or XL to be uncomfortable, immediately jump to the conclusion that condoms just don’t fit them. Take our word for it though, condoms come in many lengths and widths, so take the fun (and safe) plunge and try as many different sizes, until you find what suits you best.

Here’s How to Apply the 80-20 Principle to Your Relationship

Emma Sayle

June 8, 2017

The truth is that long-term relationships are a familiar mix of love, sex, and bickering with boring bits in between. And when you hit that stage you have to get smart to save your sanity. Step in the 80/20 rule, the current relationship commandment du jour that actually makes sense.

Top Turns- Ons: Women's Common Sexual Fantasies Laid Bare

Donna Turner

June 6, 2017

Imagination offers limitless scope for exploring our sexuality, discovering what turns us on and gets us aroused, and pushing boundaries, all within the confines and privacy of a fantasy. Erotic daydreaming can even give license to the taboo, minus, of course, the weighty repercussions of reality. Simply put, when it comes to fantasies, anything – yes, anything – goes.

6 Oral Sex Positions That’ll Put a Smile On Everyone’s Face

Lea Marsden

May 31, 2017

If you think smiling is the best thing you can do with your mouth, take a break (maybe grab a Kit-Kat) and prepare to wow your partner tonight with these 6 oral sex positions.

What Exactly IS a Couples’ Sex Toy?

Lane Baumeister

May 26, 2017

The way we see it, pleasure shared is pleasure doubled – particularly when it comes to sex toys. Masters of masturbation that they are, introducing a vibrator to your bedroom play takes desire to the next level. What could be hotter than showing your partner exactly which buttons to press to get both your hearts racing, or the sheer voyeuristic thrill that comes from watching each other go from oooh to ooOOOHH?

Anal (Uni)Sex: Why Anal Play Can Feel Good for Every Body

Katy Thorn

May 23, 2017

While we may not often consider it, the opening of the anus is body is filled with nerve endings, and something as gentle as pressure from fingers, lips or tongue combined with the lubrication of saliva and/or lubricant can be extremely enjoyable for both men and women to receive (and give). Because it tends to be so sensitive—and we may be less used to sensation there—it can seem like every sensation get magnified tenfold!